"If you are lucky enough to have lived in New York as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for New York is a moveable feast." -Ernest Hemingway (updated for the 21st century)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Litany of The Fallen

My friend Harold, the "Bronx connection" got fired from the hostel yesterday
i don't know what for, it's still murky, but it's a bit of a shock
it also got me to thinking about all the people who've fallen by the wayside since i started working here
i tell you man, between november and the new year the staff turnover here was nuts
everyone seemed to totally self destruct!

Check this shit out:

Harold -fired
Jayson -fired
Phillipe -fired, rehired, fired
James -fired, rehired, fired
Amanda -fired
Bobby -fired
Steve -disappeared1
Christian -disappeared in the middle of the night2
Rachel -quit
Coco -has quit and been rehired so many times i've lost count3
Kasia -fired

It's like the friggin apprentice man!

And as for lil old me?
You'll have to watch this space and find out....

1 The last I heard of steve he was delivering a jeep, cross country, to LA. And on the way he was delivering a dog (which he described as “rambunctious”) to missouri. He asked me if I wanted to come with -man, I wanted to go so much! Esp after seeing the original manuscript of On The Road in the NYPL. But I had too much going on here. So I hope he's OK and isn't trapped in a snow drift in the rockies or something....

2 Of which more later.

3 In his own words: “I'm bulletproof, nigga!”

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